CRagConnection::GetPacketSize |
;; 2011_12_01aRagexe |
CRagConnection__GetPacketSize: |
F0065cf90: 0065cf90 83ec10 sub esp,byte +010h |
0065cf93 56 push esi |
0065cf94 8b742418 mov esi,dword [esp+018h] |
0065cf98 8bc6 mov eax,esi |
0065cf9a 2dbf020000 sub eax,dword 0000002bfh |
0065cf9f 7447 jz C0065cfe8 ; if( opcode == 0x02bf ) |
0065cfa1 83e801 sub eax,byte +001h |
0065cfa4 7436 jz C0065cfdc ; if( opcode == 0x02c0 ) |
0065cfa6 56 push esi |
0065cfa7 8d442408 lea eax,[esp+008h] |
0065cfab 50 push eax |
0065cfac b944ce8900 mov ecx,dword L0089ce44 ; g_packetLenMap |
0065cfb1 e8bab2f2ff call near F00588270 ; g_packetLenMap::InsertTree( eax , esi ) |
0065cfb6 8bc8 mov ecx,eax |
0065cfb8 b802000000 mov eax,dword 000000002h |
;; 2012-8-16data_gm_r_Ragexe.exe |
CRagConnection__GetPacketSize: |
C00872a9e: 00872a9e 83ec10 sub esp,byte +010h |
00872aa1 e933541500 jmp near C009c7ed9 |
C009c7ed9: 009c7ed9 8d6424fc lea esp,[esp-004h] ; *1 push esi |
009c7edd 893424 mov dword [esp],esi ; *1 |
009c7ee0 e900000000 jmp near C009c7ee5 |
C009c7ee5: 009c7ee5 8b742418 mov esi,dword [esp+018h] |
009c7ee9 8bc6 mov eax,esi |
009c7eeb 2dbf020000 sub eax,dword 0000002bfh |
009c7ef0 e900000000 jmp near C009c7ef5 |
C009c7ef5: 009c7ef5 68b22a8700 push dword C00872ab2 ; *2 jmp address push C00872ab2 |
009c7efa e900000000 jmp near C009c7eff |
C009c7eff: 009c7eff 51 push ecx ; *2 save ecx |
009c7f00 e900000000 jmp near C009c7f05 |
C009c7f05: 009c7f05 52 push edx ; *2 save edx |
009c7f06 8b4c2408 mov ecx,dword [esp+008h] ; *2 |
009c7f0a bae8d16700 mov edx,dword C0067d1e8 ; *2 |
009c7f0f 0f44ca cmovz ecx,edx ; *2 jz C0067d1e8 |
009c7f12 e900000000 jmp near C009c7f17 ; *2 |
C009c7f17: 009c7f17 894c2408 mov dword [esp+008h],ecx ; *2 |
009c7f1b 5a pop edx ; *2 |
009c7f1c 59 pop ecx ; *2 |
009c7f1d c3 ret ; *2 jmp C00872ab2 or C0067d1e8 |
C00872ab2: 00872ab2 83e801 sub eax,byte +001h |
00872ab5 0f8421a7e0ff jz near C0067d1dc |
00872abb e924000000 jmp near C00872ae4 |
C00872ae4: 00872ae4 8d6424fc lea esp,[esp-004h] ; *1 push esi |
00872ae8 893424 mov dword [esp],esi ; *1 |
00872aeb 8d442408 lea eax,[esp+008h] |
00872aef 8d6424fc lea esp,[esp-004h] ; *3 push eax |
00872af3 e93c541500 jmp near C009c7f34 |
C009c7f34: 009c7f34 890424 mov dword [esp],eax ; *3 |
009c7f37 b9a0358e00 mov ecx,dword L008e35a0 ; g_packetLenMap |
009c7f3c 68b6d16700 push dword C0067d1b6 ; *4 |
009c7f41 e96aa2bdff jmp near C005a21b0 ; *4 call C005a21b0 g_packetLenMap_InsertTree |
;; 2012-8-21data_gm_r_Ragexe.exe |
CRagConnection__GetPacketSize: |
C00872aa2: 00872aa2 83ec10 sub esp,byte +010h |
00872aa5 897424fc mov dword [esp-004h],esi ; *0 push esi |
00872aa9 e959581500 jmp near C009c8307 ;; goto |
C009c8307: 009c8307 8d6424fc lea esp,[esp-004h] ; *0 |
009c830b 8b742418 mov esi,dword [esp+018h] |
009c830f e900000000 jmp near C009c8314 ;; goto |
C009c8314: 009c8314 8bc6 mov eax,esi |
009c8316 2dbf020000 sub eax,dword 0000002bfh |
009c831b 0f84c74ecbff jz near C0067d1e8 |
009c8321 e994a7eaff jmp near C00872aba ;; goto |
C00872aba: 00872aba 83e801 sub eax,byte +001h |
00872abd 0f8419a7e0ff jz near C0067d1dc |
00872ac3 e91c000000 jmp near C00872ae4 ;; goto |
C00872ae4: 00872ae4 897424fc mov dword [esp-004h],esi ; *1 push esi |
00872ae8 e948581500 jmp near C009c8335 ;; goto |
C009c8335: 009c8335 8d6424fc lea esp,[esp-004h] ; *1 |
009c8339 8d442408 lea eax,[esp+008h] |
009c833d 8d6424fc lea esp,[esp-004h] ; *2 push eax |
009c8341 e900000000 jmp near C009c8346 ;; goto |
C009c8346: 009c8346 890424 mov dword [esp],eax ; *2 |
009c8349 b9a0358e00 mov ecx,dword L008e35a0 ; g_packetLenMap |
009c834e 68b6d16700 push dword C0067d1b6 ; *3 |
009c8353 e9589ebdff jmp near C005a21b0 ; *3 call C005a21b0 g_packetLenMap_InsertTree ;; goto |
Hi, i donated the equired amount of Yen to receive the full set of RCX features. I’ve reformatted my comppputer approximately 3 times and when i put in the code it says that my email is blocked. Anyway i can fix that? Thanks
Please try to read and translate the page in the URL below.
Development of the RCX has ended just as I wrote to iRO wiki.
You can download the final version of the RCX on this URL.
The final version does not require a code in order to use the full set RCX features.
thank you.